Research interests:
- morphogenesis in biomineralized materials systems
- thermodynamics and kinetics of polycrystalline materials; particularly nanocrystalline interfaces and surfaces
- microstructural developments in single- and multi-phase polycrystalline metals and alloys
- 3D structural characterization of polycrystalline microstructures in bulk materials and thin films as well as soap foams
- modeling and simulation of coarsening processes such as recrystallization, grain growth and Ostwald ripening
- modeling of deformation of large three-dimensional polycrystalline grain mircrostructures
- structural analysis and grain boundary dynamics in polycrystalline graphene
- statistical self-similarity and fractal analysis of polyhedral networks
- multi-scale materials and their mechanical and thermal behavior
- didactics of mathematics and physics: Projects (in deutsch)
- diversity in natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering
Research Projects Overview
DFG-Research Project
Teaching ...
... Physik
... Mineralogie