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open-source character recognition

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Download the developer releases (below) for best results or before reporting bugs.


Source code


This packages are not always up to date.


Binaries do not include any documentation. Please download the sources .

Developers releases

If you want the latest code, get it from this tgz-package. Check this gpg-signature for authenticity of jocr.tgz.

Required software

Though gocr doesn't need NetPBM, it's benefitted by its presence. libgocr, however, needs it. Get it here. If you already have it installed, take a look if you have the pam.h file. If you don't, it's wise to upgrade.

Older versions

Provided to prove that there was really some development. Thanks for testing!

Here is an alternative download site of (older versions of) gOCR hosted at SourceForge